Séminaire février 2025

Séminaire SESAME 17 Février 2025

Le séminaire commencera à 10h par un café devant la salle 104 du bâtiment 11 dit le château, situé au 2 Place Pierre Viala Campus La Gaillarde, 34000 Montpellier

10h20 News du W3C en 10 minutes par Pierre-Antoine CHAMPIN, W3C / INRIA / Université de Lyon  

10h30 The EU Rail Knowledge Graph par Ghislain ATEMEZING, European Union Agency for Railway (ERA)

The European Union Agency for Railways (ERA) is an Agency in charge of facilitating the implementation of an efficient, safe, and interoperable rail transport across member states in Europe. To this end, ERA maintains different registers with legal mandate covering different domains of railway (infrastructure, rolling stock, signalling, safety, humans, etc). Since 2020, ERA has adopted a data-centric organisation strategy, which includes leveraging semantic web technology to the different registers.

This talk will dive deeper into the current implementation as knowledge graph of two registers: the register of infrastructure (RINF) and the European Register of Authorised Types of Vehicles (ERATV). I will focus on the ontology development, the process management of the 50+ classes and 461 properties; as well as the SHACL rules (around 100). The talk will also showcase two applications consuming the knowledge graph – one for data retrieval for non SPARQL experts and the route compatibility check to answer if a certain railway vehicle can travel the route between two operational points. The talk will also highlight some challenges faced by a public authority when adopting a data-centric approach.